Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This project was interesting. You couldn't lift up the pen and you couldn't look down at the paper. All the words around the face is info about me and sayings about life. I hope after seeing the picture you will know a little more about me.

This was so peaceful do to. It was kinda hard but easy. The only thing that was hard about it was cutting. It was hard to cut when other people are shaking the table. But other then that it i liked it. Hope you in joy this as much as i did

Empty Bowls Dinner

I love doing this project. It was for a good cause. This is the empty bowls dinner. The money that he get goes to the need that are in need for food. hopefully we get a lot of money. There is a lot of people that are in need to eat/need money. Please come out and help us out!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Albrecht Durer

  Albrecht Durer was born in 1471 and died in 1528. He was 57 years old. His father was a goldsmith. Albrecht was a German painter. Not only was he a painter but he also was a musician and a writer. He did 200 woodcuts and 100 line engravings. He was one of the first to use tempera and oil glazes.
  The main reason why i did Albrecht Durer is because he is know for the prayer hands. I don't know any of his art but that. I would have to say some of his art shows a little to much of some things. But other then that I can't say anything bad about it.